Rachel's Home - a non-profit Christian maternity home for pregnant teens & young women. XXXXX XX XXXXXXXX XX. XXXXX
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Misty's Testimony

How did Rachel's Home affect your life?

     First let me tell you a little about me. In my past I have experienced abuse, unhealthy relationships and depression. So when I unexpectantly got pregnant I was in an unhealthy relationship, lost my job, had no place to go, was extremely sick and under weight, and I was hopeless about my future.

     The sad part is I didn't find Rachel's Home till I was almost six months pregnant. I called other pregnancy homes but they had a long waiting list, a cost to stay there, and would not accept me because I was coping with depression. My prayers were answered and Rachel's Home took me in.

     My stay at Rachel's Home effected every aspect of my life. First of all I was able to eat healthy and gain weight. I learned how to be more responsible. My house parents showed me what a healthy family is, no yelling, no chuas, or negative criticizing. They listen and encouraged me to do my best. They put me on the right path. They are the mother and father I never had.

I felt loved.

     Not only did I learn from my house parents love but loved by the board members. They showed me many things that I have never witnessed before. They welcomed me into their home. I stayed with a family that has six kids (with no TV). I saw love, patience, and understanding. There was no yelling or hitting just kindness. They got along, talked, helped each other out, and did not complain. I also joined many social organizations and made many friends.

I felt hopeful.

     At this time I also came closer to the Lord. Attended church and Sunday school. I had many questions, did not know if God was still with me because of what I did, and felt ashamed. I was shown that God was a forgiving God and that He would help me get on the right path if I let Him lead the way. And because of Rachel's Home I had a beautiful healthy baby girl.

     I thank anyone that has contributed to Rachel's Home in any way. I pray that Rachel's Home will be able to help other girl's, women, and babies.
