Rachel's Home Links |
Indiana Non-Profit Information Technology Organization : |
The Indiana Non-Profit Information Technology Organization is our new home. Created by our Executive Director Jerry Nettrouer II and Doyle Harpole the creator of the PassionX Linux Distrobution, the Inpito is an organization dedicated to empowering the Indiana community through establishing and providing Information Technology solutions, education, and resources. |
Womens Care Center of Plymouth : |
The Womens Care Center in Plymouth was the birthplace of Rachel's Home. It is a center that offers free
and confidential, pregnancy testing, non-diagnostic ultra-sounds, assists with Doctor's appointments, provides maternity
clothing, baby clothing, and supplies, helps to receive assistance from community agencies, post abortion counseling,
parenting classes, programs for females to quit smoking, referrals to Marshall County Pediatrics for baby seats, and their
use, Hoosier Healthwise applications, H.U.D. application, and more.
Heartbeat International : |
Heartbeat International is a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian association
of life-affirming pregnancy resource centers, medical clinics, maternity homes, and nonprofit
adoption agencies that seek to create an environment where every human heart is cherished and
protected ? within the womb and within strong families.
Option Line : |
Option Line consultants refer each caller to a pregnancy resource center in her area for answers to
questions about abortion, pregnancy tests, STD's, adoption, parenting, medical referrals, housing, and many other issues.
The toll-free number is available to callers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Care-Net : |
Care Net is the largest network of pregnancy centers in North America, with 1,100 centers serving
over 350,000 women each year. The primary purpose of Care Net is to assist and promote the evangelistic, pro-life work
of crisis pregnancy centers.
Reason Enough To Act : |
The RETA Ministries exist to help people realize the value of life and experience abundant life.
It is God's plan for life to be full and abundant.� Every person, born and unborn, regardless of the situation
surrounding their conception, is incredibly valuable and has a beautiful purpose and plan for his or her life.
Birthright International : |
Birthright provides caring, non-judgmental support to girls and women who are distressed by an unplanned
pregnancy. Birthright provide friendship and emotional support, free pregnancy testing,and maternity and baby clothes.
Birthright also give information and referrals to help clients meet legal, medical, financial, and housing needs. All
Birthright services are free, absolutely confidential, and available to any woman regardless of age, race, creed,
economic or marital status.
Pregnancy Help & Information Center : |
The Pregnancy Help and Information Center is a community-based, non-profit organization, existing to
provide aid and comfort to any woman facing pregnancy, childbirth, or parenting under stressful circumstances. All of
our services are free, non-judgmental, compassionate, and confidential.
Hope Clinic for Women : |
Hope Clinic for Women is a faith based, safe and confidential place for anyone dealing with life
choices regarding past, present, and future pregnancies. We provide education, counsel and medical care for anyone
regardless of age, race, or religion.
Indiana Right to Life : |
Indiana Right to Life is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to restoring and protecting the
Sanctity of Life. We seek to educate the public on the issues of abortion, infanticide,and euthanasia and to move our
culture back to a respect for life.� It is a state-level affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee.
Teens For Life : |
If your a teenager, check out how you can make a difference for life by being apart of the Teens
for Life in your area.
Silver Ring Thing : |
The Silver Ring Thing is the fastest growing teen abstinence program in the United States and is
rapidly gaining international recognition for its concert-style show incorporating music, laser lights, fast-paced
video, drama & comedy performances. Through this program teens are able to understand that abstinence until marriage
is not only God's plan for their lives, but also the best and only way to avoid the harmful physical and emotional
effects of premarital sex.
Bethany Christian Services : |
Bethany Christian Services is a, pro-life, Christian adoption and family services agency with
more then 75 locations in 30 states and ministries in 15 other contries.
Opportunities For Life : |
Opportunities for Life (OFL) is a lay pastoral ministry offering life-affirming, caring, non-judgmental,
emotional support and concrete resource referral help to persons affected by an unplanned pregnancy.
AA Pregnancy Help Center : |
The AA Pregnancy Help Center has been helping women in Central Kentucky for years. Our staff includes
counselors and medical professionals who treat each client with compassion. Offering 24 hour hotlines, Free pregnancy
testing, Pregnancy information, Abortion information, Adoption information, Ultrasounds, Caring, Confidential counseling,
and Material help.
Heartbeats of Licking County : |
Believing Christ is the foundation of the ministry. Heartbeats Mission is to create an environment where
every human heart is cherished and protected within the womb and in strong families. Heartbeats encourages chastity as a
positive lifestyle. Heartbeats is a nonprofit, Christian ministry that offers emotional, physical and spiritual support
to those who find themselves in the midst of an unexpected pregnancy.
Pregnancy Decision Health Centers : |
Pregnancy Decision Health Centers empower individuals to make healthy life choices consistent
with the intrinsic value of every human life. PDHC seeks to provide caring services for responsible sexual values
and alternatives to abortion to as many individuals as possible in the Central Ohio area.
Adoption.com : |
Adoption.com is committed to helping as many children as possible find loving, permanent homes.
We also provide critical information at the decision-making moment to women facing crisis pregnancies. We assist adoptees
and birthparents to find birthfamilies, and we help hopeful adoptive parents make adoption dreams come true. We are
especially committed to helping special needs children in the U.S. and around the world, who otherwise wouldn't be
able to find families.
Abort73 : (Requires Macromedia Flash & Quicktime for Viewing) |
Abort 73 is a website dedicated to helping people better understand the Biological, Social, and Philosophical
effects of abortions. It offers a great deal of resource information statistics, laws for understanding what is involed with
the abortion issue.
Compassion : |
Compassion International exists as a Christian child advocacy ministry that releases children from spiritual,
economic, social and physical�poverty and enables them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults.
Riverside United Methodist Church : |
Riverside United Methodist Church is a church the Chad Burman and I spoke at concerning Rachels Home in January of 2009
and offered to do a link exchange with us, for which I gladly excepted.
Heaven Sent Adoption Services, Inc. : |
Heaven Sent Adoption Services, Inc. is a non-profit licensed child placing adoption agency in the
State of Michigan. That provides education and information to anyone seeking to learn more about direct placement
adoption in Michigan.
Disclaimer: While many of these sites contain information and resources helpful to pregnant women,
Rachel's Home is not officaly affiliated with anyone of these orginizations.